How to use

Unless otherwise stated, all examples will use the ncas-ceilometer-3 instrument as an example.

Create netCDF file

In its very simplest form:

import ncas_amof_netcdf_template as nant
ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3')

This will create a netCDF file with today’s date for all data products availalbe for the given instrument. If files for multiple products are made, the returned object will be a list containing all objects; if only a single file then just that netCDF file object is returned.

A netCDF file can also be created for a specific data product, rather than by a specific instrument.

nc = nant.create_netcdf.make_product_netcdf('surface-met', 'my-home-weather-station')

The file created in this example uses the surface-met data product definition, and requires the instrument name my-home-weather-station for the file name.


Dimension sizes need to be defined when creating a netCDF file. Dimension lengths can be provided to the create_netcdf.main function as a dictionary:

ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', dimension_lengths = {'time':96, 'altitude':45, 'layer_index':4})

If dimensions aren’t given, Python asks for the dimension lengths to be given:

ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3')
Enter length for dimension time: 96
Enter length for dimension altitude: 45
Enter length for dimension layer_index: 4


The deployment platform, where the instrument was located while measuring data, is recorded in both the file name and as a global attribute. The platform names are controlled by CEDA. NCAS instruments that are primarily based at an NCAS observatory have the relevant platform associated with the instrument, but mobile instruments have the phrase “mobile” listed as the default platform, which needs to be changed. Both the create_netcdf.main and create_netcdf.make_product_netcdf functions can take a platform argument, which sets or overrides the platform name to use:

nc = nant.create_netcdf.main("ncas-ceilometer-3", platform = "cao")


The file-naming convention for the NCAS-GENERAL standard includes the date, and sometimes time, which the data within the file represents. By default, today’s date will be used in the file name. This behaviour can be overridden by giving the date to the create_netcdf.main function:

ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', date='20220214')

Data Products

List available data products for an instrument:


Alternatively, all possible data products can be listed if no instrument name is given.

A data product can be defined in the call to create the netCDF file:

nc = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', products = 'aerosol-backscatter')

Or multiple products can be defined by using a list:

ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', products = ['cloud-base','cloud-coverage'])

Deployment Modes

NCAS instruments can be deployed in one of four deployment modes - land, sea, air, or trajectory. Each of these modes requires different dimensions and variables, and the deployment mode is recorded as a global attribute in the netCDF file. The default deployment mode is 'land'; however, an alternative deployment mode can be selected using the loc keyword:

ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', loc = 'sea')

Output Location

The netCDF file will be written to the current working directory by default. To specify an alternative location, the 'file_location' keyword can be used:

ncs = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', file_location = '/path/to/save/location')

Offline Use

The information needed to create these netCDF files are stored in the AMF_CVs GitHub repository, and this package reads data from this repository when it is used. If the package will need to be used offline, the tsv product-definitions folder should be downloaded onto the computer, and the option use_local_files can be passed to functions such as create_netcdf.main with the path to the product definitions as the argument.

Other Options

All available options for this function can be found on this API page.

Add Data

After the netCDF file is created, the file then needs to be opened in append mode, and data can then be added to the file:

import ncas_amof_netcdf_template as nant
from netCDF4 import Dataset

# Read raw data into python
# ...
# backscatter_data = ...

nc = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', date='20221117', product = 'aerosol-backscatter')

nant.util.update_variable(nc, 'attenuated_aerosol_backscatter_coefficient', backscatter_data)

where 'attenuated_aerosol_backscatter_coefficient' is the name of the variable in the netCDF file, and 'backscatter_data' is an array containing the data. This will also update the valid_min and valid_max attributes for each variable where applicable.

Quality Control Flag Data

Quality control flags in the NCAS-GENERAL standard use flag_values and flag_meanings to convey the quality of the data. When adding data to a quality control variable, an error is raised if that data includes values not in the flag_values attribute.


netCDF files that follow the NCAS-GENERAL metadata standard require a number of variables that correspond to time, or a portion of it, including (but not limited to) UNIX time, year, month and day. This module includes a function that will take a list of datetime objects and return the times in all the required formats.

import ncas_amof_netcdf_template as nant
import datetime as dt

# generate some times for this example
t1 = dt.datetime.strptime('20221117T120000','%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
t2 = dt.datetime.strptime('20221117T120500','%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
times = [t1,t2]

unix_times, day_of_year, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, \
  time_coverage_start_unix, time_coverage_end_unix, file_date = nant.util.get_times(times)

This returns 8 lists with the time formatted as needed for variables in the netCDF file, as well as the first and last UNIX time stamp which can be used for the time coverage start and end metadata fields, and the date/time with the correct precision which, if required, could be used for the date in the create_netcdf.main function (e.g. in the example above it would return '20221117-12').


While all required metadata fields are added to the global attributes of the netCDF file, and in some cases the defined values are directly inserted, it is necessary to add further metadata values to the netCDF file, for example creator_name. Fields that need metadata adding to them are initially given placeholder text which starts with the word “CHANGE” - simple interrogation of the created netCDF file will reveal which attributes need specifying.

The contents of a CSV file containing metadata can then be added to the netCDF file

nant.util.add_metadata_to_netcdf(nc, 'metadata.csv')

Metadata can be supplied in CSV, JSON, YAML or XML formats; see the metadata formats page for more details. The add_metadata_to_netcdf function will attempt to detect the format type based on the file extension. If this detection fails, the file_format argument can be used, e.g.

nant.util.add_metadata_to_netcdf(nc, 'metadata_file', file_format = 'csv')

If detection fails and file_format is not given, the function will attempt to read the file as a CSV.

One additional parameters can be supplied in the metadata file with each individual attributes:

  • type - what data type the value of the attribute should take, e.g. integer or string. Default if absent is string.

Latitude, Longitude, and Geospatial Bounds

Although latitude and longitude are variables in the netCDF file, single value latitude and longitude values, with units “degrees North” and “degrees East” respectively can be included in the metadata file, for example if using a CSV meatadata file


The geospatial_bounds global attribute can also be defined directly in the metadata file, or calculated from the latitude and longitude values:

nant.util.add_metadata_to_netcdf(nc, 'metadata.csv')
geobounds = f"{ncfile.variables['latitude'][0]}N, {ncfile.variables['longitude'][0]}E"
nc.setncattr('geospatial_bounds', geobounds)

Time Coverage Start and End

As mentioned above, the time_coverage_start and time_coverage_end global attribute values can be obtained using the get_times function. The returns from this function include the first and last times as UNIX time stamps, which can be converted into the correct format for the global attribute values:

dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_coverage_start_unix, dt.timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

Remove Empty Variables

The NCAS-GENERAL metadata standard can be seen as two parts: the first being “common” attributes, dimensions and variables that are required in all files, the second is “product-specific” information, for example the aerosol-backscatter product has variables attenuated_aerosol_backscatter_coefficient and range_squared_corrected_backscatter_power which are not in the cloud-base product. However, there may be cases where the instrument does not measure one or more of these product-specific variables. These empty product-specific variables should not be included in the final netCDF file.


The netCDF file needs to be closed before this can be done, using nc.close().

Full Example

An example of a full work flow using ncas_amof_netcdf_template to create the netCDF file, where is is assumed the actual reading of the raw data is handled by a function called read_data_from_raw_files, and metadata is stored in a file called metadata.csv.

import ncas_amof_netcdf_template as nant
import datetime as dt
from netCDF4 import Dataset

# Read the raw data with user-written function, with times returning data in datetime format
# In this example, `time` and `altitude` are the only dimensions
backscatter_data, times, altitudes, other variables = read_data_from_raw_files()

# Get all the time formats
unix_times, day_of_year, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, \
  time_coverage_start_unix, time_coverage_end_unix, file_date = nant.util.get_times(times)

# Create netCDF file and read it back into the script in append mode
nc = nant.create_netcdf.main('ncas-ceilometer-3', date = file_date,
                            dimension_lengths = {'time':len(times), 'altitude':len(altitudes)},
                            loc = 'land', products = 'aerosol-backscatter',
                            file_location = ncfile_location)

# Add variable data to netCDF file
nant.util.update_variable(nc, 'altitude', altitudes)
nant.util.update_variable(nc, 'attenuated_aerosol_backscatter_coefficient',
nant.util.update_variable(nc, 'time', unix_times)
nant.util.update_variable(nc, 'day_of_year', day_of_year)
nant.util.update_variable(nc, 'year', years)
# and so on for each time format

# Add metadata from file
nant.util.add_metadata_to_netcdf(nc, 'metadata.csv')

# Add time_coverage_start and time_coverage_end metadata using data from get_times
             dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_coverage_start_unix, dt.timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
             dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_coverage_end_unix, dt.timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))

# Look to see if latitude and longitude values have been added, and
# geospatial_bounds NOT added, through the metadata file
lat_masked = nc.variables['latitude'][0].mask
lon_masked = nc.variables['longitude'][0].mask
geospatial_attr_changed = "CHANGE" in nc.getncattr('geospatial_bounds')
if geospatial_attr_changed and not lat_masked and not lon_masked:
    geobounds = f"{nc.variables['latitude'][0]}N, {nc.variables['longitude'][0]}E"
    nc.setncattr('geospatial_bounds', geobounds)

# Close file

# Check for empty variables and remove if necessary